
The line between serene normality and shocking abnormality is often thin and unseen.  This text provides you with the understanding to make it visible and more robust.



Thank you for visiting.  This web site provides examples and commentary on the content of Occupational Risk Control: Predicting and Preventing the Unwanted by Derek Viner.

I intentionally did not include numerous examples or commentary in the book so that the essentially simple theory of Risk was not obscured. I add examples and applications to the various chapters as happenings in the world prompt me to do so.

Obtaining the book

The book is available in hard back, paper back and e-Pub form from


Conditions of use

Material on this site written by Derek Viner, may be freely reproduced in whole or in part or paraphrased so long as its source is acknowledged in the normal formal manner, namely from www.derekviner.com/(page name).  Seen on (date).