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The purpose of this web site is to provide examples and commentary on the content of Occupational Risk Control:  Predicting and Preventing the Unwanted by Derek Viner and published in April 2015 by Gower.  I intentionally did not include many examples in the book as I did not want to obscure the essentially simple theory of Risk.  I am adding examples and applications to the various chapters as happenings in the world prompt me to do so.  If you’d particularly like examples and comment on aspects I have not yet covered, please feel free to contact me – see below for how.

As the site develops I intend to provide an opportunity for you to contribute to commentary, examples and general discussion.

Obtaining the book

The book is available in hard back, e-Pub and PDF form.  In late 2015, Gower was merged into the publishing house of Taylor and Francis, which itself is a part of the Routledge organisation  (www.routledge.com).  The new direct link to the book is https://www.routledge.com/products/9781472419705


“Follow me” on Twitter (@derek_viner) for a private conversation about any aspect of the theory and ideas covered in the book or more generally about risk engineering and risk management.


You can email me on derekviner@me.com.

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